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The role of the Board is to provide entrepreneurial leadership, within a framework of prudent and effective controls, that promotes the interests of Halma over the long term for the benefit of stakeholders. The Board sets the Group’s strategic goals and has ultimate responsibility for its management, direction and performance. The Company’s Articles of Association set out the Board’s powers. The Board has adopted a formal schedule of matters reserved solely for its decision and certain decision-making and monitoring activities have been delegated to Board Committees or management, through a clearly defined delegated authority matrix.
The Board has established three principal Committees – Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee – which review and monitor key areas on behalf of the Board and make recommendations for its approval. Each Board Committee operates under written terms of reference which are approved by the Board and made available at The Chair of each Committee reports to the Board on their activities after each meeting and minutes are circulated to all Board members once they have been approved by the Committee. Further information on the activities and composition of each Committee is detailed in each of the Committee reports.
View the Remuneration Committee's Terms of Reference
View the Audit Committee's Terms of Reference
View the Nomination Committee's Terms of Reference
View the Share Plans Committee's Terms of Reference
View the Acquisitions and Disposals Committee's Terms of Reference
View the Articles of Association
- Setting the Group’s long-term objectives and commercial strategy.
- Approving annual operating and capital expenditure budgets.
- Ceasing all or a material part of the Group’s business.
- Significantly extending the Group’s activities into new business or geographic areas.
- Changing the share capital or corporate structure of the Company.
- Changing the Group’s management and control structure.
- Approving half year and full year results and reports.
- Approving dividend policy and the declaration of dividends.
- Approving significant changes to accounting policies.
- Approving key policies.
- Approving risk management procedures and policies, including anti-bribery and corruption.
- Approving major investments, disposals, capital projects or contracts (including bank borrowings and debt facilities).
- Approving guarantees and material indemnities (not otherwise delegated to the Bank Guarantees and Facilities Committee).
- Approving resolutions to be put to the AGM and documents or circulars to be sent to shareholders.
- Approving changes to the Board structure, size or its composition (following the recommendation of the Nomination Committee).
- Assessing and monitoring the Group’s culture and alignment with its purpose, values and strategy.